Помогите решить тест по английскому!!!
- 16.01.18, 11:13
You write a follow-up email to Milton Company. Complete the sentences with the appropriate forms of the verbs from the box.
(appreciate,confirm,further, contact,contribute,join, implement,impress,look, mention)
1.Thank you for talking with me about the position of assistant for the software department. I would like to A)
2.my strong interest in B) the team at Milton Company.
3.I C) the friendly welcome
4.and was D) with your plans for opening four more European branch offices in 2018.
5.As I E) yesterday, with my experience and relevant skills set,
6.I am sure I can F) towards managing your office efficiently.
7.I feel that my foreign-language proficiency can help you to G) your European strategy.
8.I H) forward to hearing from you.
9.Please I) me
10.if you would like any J) information.
(appreciate,confirm,further, contact,contribute,join, implement,impress,look, mention)
1.Thank you for talking with me about the position of assistant for the software department. I would like to A)
2.my strong interest in B) the team at Milton Company.
3.I C) the friendly welcome
4.and was D) with your plans for opening four more European branch offices in 2018.
5.As I E) yesterday, with my experience and relevant skills set,
6.I am sure I can F) towards managing your office efficiently.
7.I feel that my foreign-language proficiency can help you to G) your European strategy.
8.I H) forward to hearing from you.
9.Please I) me
10.if you would like any J) information.
Краща відповідь:
Thank you for talking with me about the position of assistant for the software department. I would like to confirm my strong interest in joining the team at Milton Company. I appreciated the friendly welcome and was impressed with your plans for opening four more European branch offices in 2018. As I mentioned yesterday, with my experience and relevant skills set, I am sure I can contribute towards managing your office efficiently. I feel that my foreign-language proficiency can help you to implement your European strategy. I look forward to hearing from you. Please contact me if you would like any further information.
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Бес Понятия
14:10, 16.01.2018
Thank you for talking with me about the position of assistant for the software department. I would like to confirm my strong interest in joining the team at Milton Company.
I appreciated the friendly welcome and was impressed with your plans for opening four more European branch offices in 2018.
As I mentioned yesterday, with my experience and relevant skills set, I am sure I can contribute towards managing your office efficiently.
I feel that my foreign-language proficiency can help you to implement your European strategy.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Please contact me if you would like any further information.
1 14:38, 16.01.2018
Спасибо,за помощь
Бес Понятия
2 14:40, 16.01.2018
А що тебе, бот, не влаштовує в учбовому тексті? Якщо ніде не вчився - не заважай це робити іншим своїми ідіотськими коментарями.
Бес Понятия
3 14:41, 16.01.2018 Відповідь на 1 от ilya959
Обращайся если что.
Бес Понятия
4 12:30, 17.01.2018
Для типу з магнітіком замість моску (він же "ейнштейн", "рамштайн" та інші упороті ніки): відсутність розуму за ігнором не сховаєш, бідолашний :) А також незнання навіть своєї рідної katsaps'кої мови :)
5 22:17, 10.09.2019
Хороша помощь для ребенка !